Learning the National Electrical Code for Electrical Exam Study

Electrical Exam Prep

well hey everybody welcome to another
episode here at electrical code academy
where we teach you the national
electrical code and hopefully you're
following us over on our youtube channel
which is
youtube.com forward slash master the nec
but you're also listening to our
podcasts and they're available over on
our website
at masterthenec.com or you can even
listen to them here
on our youtube channel or if you go to
your popular podcasting channel you can
also search
for master the nec kind of like you see
up there
and you'll be able to find us and you'll
listen to us that way we have a lot of
episodes both in podcast
as well as video now if you want to be a
subscriber and get exclusive content
then you want to go click the join
button over on our youtube channel
because that's where we
keep all of our private content our pre
re-recordings our rebroadcast i should
say of all of our wednesday night
we put in there for exam prep also
special content
as well analyzing the national
electrical code all of that is in
that members only area of course we do
share a lot of things public
like this video but there's a lot of
private stuff in there as well now
if you're thinking about passing an
electrical exam and you're thinking
this is going to be tough how do i pass
this electrical exam
maybe you've been searching around maybe
you've been searching for things like
electrical exam
prep electrical exam preparation
maybe you've been searching for in your
state look
the national electrical code is the same
in every state
what might change is they might have
some local rules
or regulations or laws that you need to
things like when your license would
expire what the fees are
what fines are we're not going to teach
you that that's something that you need
to do
okay you need to understand what the
laws and regulations are in your state
and usually these are a free download
you can get them from your state
administrator in fact if you go to our
website we
actually can show you all the licensing
regulations for your state
and links to your state by simply going
to our website and you'll see
there's a link on our main page that
actually takes you to your state
okay so you can actually find out by
clicking on it
what the requirements are in your
specific state and download those
and in many cases they'll even let you
take those into the exam but
what you're really struggling with is
learning the national electrical code
and that's what i'm here to help you
with because i have taught over 40 000
students for over 30 years
i've authored books on the subject i
have taught seminars all over the
and i created a fast tracks program that
is designed to use what's called
ballistic training and that is
we just don't believe in videos only
because people go to sleep they get
bored by them depending on the
tone every monotone they just don't hold
your attention
but we have created a program that
interacts with not just videos
but also high graphic illustrations and
a lot of reading material now why do we
prefer reading material you might say
well can i just read a book
well there's a lot of people that try to
by just grabbing the national electrical
code that is the worst way you could
ever study
because the code book is not set up in a
way to be a study manual in fact the
code even tells you it's not an
installation manual
it's not the way to study by just simply
grabbing it and just flipping through
the code book
you need to have a structured plan so i
learned many years ago with my students
that if we created
a structured plan and i kind of walked
you through all the key fundamentals
that along that way you're not just
going to learn the nec
but you're going to also retain that
information that's what we've done in
our fast tracks program
and we've mixed in their videos high
illustrated graphics that really call
key things a lot of reading material we
even have a readme feature if you want
to sit back
and highlight it and let it read it to
you and you follow the bouncing ball and
you read it at the same time it's
reading it to you
that's the ballistic training it just
helps your
retention of the material again that's
the biggest problem i see with students
they can't retain the information so i
know you're on the edge of your seat
you're thinking what is this fast tracks
program he's talking about
well let's go look at this program
because i really am excited to show you
what it is all about
so in the fast tracks program you'll get
your own console you can access it 365
24 7 for an entire year you can print
anything you want
um and you're free to do that
again 24 7 365. all the pages in here
are again
really clear to print but here's the
you can do this on a browser-based
whether it's a phone
a tablet laptop desktop
doesn't matter because it is
browser-based okay you get your own
console to log in
now everything is broken down into five
but then you have inside of that you're
going to have units in these units
there's 19 of them here
19 breaking down every little piece and
and it also breaks it down into
something that is
palatable in other words something that
you can read it without being too bored
with it
because we give you the images and then
we give you what's called call outs
but rather than just talk about it let
me show you what you get in this program
this is just
a peek into the program so if i were to
go into cables and i click reading
material for example
in this case i've already in the program
if you want to go back to the beginning
you can get your table of contents take
you back to the
very beginning and we talk about board
holes very beginning
in this unit a see the call out this is
the board hole
and it tells you hole must be board so
that the edge of the hole is at least
one and a quarter inches from the
nearest edge of the wood framing member
and see how i clicked my left mouse and
drug over it
i can highlight that at any time if it's
something that i want to
keep and remember and again you can go
get over here in the study hub
it'll show you everything that you've
highlighted so you can come back later
to some important topics
but here's something else that i want to
do if you want to take the highlighting
off you click it again and just remove
see these chevrons right here anytime in
our program you see these chevrons
you need to grab your code book because
a whole process here is not just
watching a dvd and watch somebody else
here you're interactive so when you see
a chevron and we've added these chevrons
so that you go to your code book and
read that code section
because we're going to give you
commentary you're going to see the
now you're going to read the code we do
this all through the program
why do we do it this way it's
interactive it really gets you
maneuvering through this book
and this is what you want to do you want
to get used to there you want to get
used to going through this book
and we give you the process and how to
do it okay
and so that's what's unique about it and
here you've got a lot of notes a lot of
extra information
let's say you just want something to be
read to you well you can highlight it
left click and hold it i'll just do a
little bit of it and click read the text
holes must be bored so that the edge of
the hole is at least
and there you go if you want to read the
whole thing highlight the whole thing
it'll read it if you just click this
it'll read the whole thing to you if you
want to
kind of hear it follow along watch the
bouncing ball uh
all these things are tickling the senses
that's going to help you retain
the information there's a reason why we
want you to read
because reading comprehension is the
thing that people have a bad experience
with on an exam
they read a question and they just can't
understand it they
cannot comprehend what they just read
so how do we combat that we give you the
meat and potatoes of the core
we put it on the screen you read it okay
you go look it up in the code when you
see the chevrons
it starts to make sense okay now another
thing i'll tell you
our students know that they can go to
our website which again
masterthenec.com and over the top they
actually can download an app put the app
on their phone
and it has a feature if they can contact
at any time to ask me a question about
something in their unit that they don't
okay and i have everything right here on
my phone
and i answer these questions now i have
over a thousand students in my fast
tracks program
right now and let me tell you what i
answer their questions i
interact with them but they also come to
our wednesday night training
okay you're not required to come to our
training but if you want that training
that little bit
more for this low price that you're
paying for our program with all the
interaction with all the other benefits
you also get access to me on wednesday
nights where
i will answer your questions that you're
struggling in the unit something you
don't understand
we will go over it i even do scheduled
like box fill uh range calculations
all these types of things and i do this
also i record them
and i share them later for all of my
fast track students
so they can come back and watch it so
maybe you missed a session
but you still want to get the training i
make it available to you
that's all included in our program
nothing extra for that
okay so one of the things that you do
here is you simply go through the unit
and read it every time you see a chevron
you go look it up
okay again this works on any type of
browser-based system whether it's on
your phone your tablet
pc doesn't matter macbooks doesn't
matter it's browser-based
you can change the font size right here
if you want to be bigger
or you want to be smaller totally up to
if there's something that's really
important here you want to create a
bookmark go for it if you want to print
this page
go for it you have access to everything
also want to know that we do reviews so
at the end of the unit
you'll get review questions and you have
to answer these review questions now
we're just gonna it's not gonna be a b c
or d here it is you have to give your
code reference in this box
and the actual reference to the answer
and make sure you read the question
right this one wants the answer in
then you make sure you answer the
question accordingly where do you get
these answers
well in many of these competency reviews
remember it's a competency review
so in that unit you'll get a lot of the
answers in that unit
but you won't get all the answers we do
this on purpose because
during the process of you going into the
chevrons remember in looking in the code
you're going to have to get better
familiar with going in and out and
maneuvering through
this code book i mean at the end of the
day that's what it's about right this is
the document that you get to take into
the exam
not this you don't get to take test uh
practice tests you don't get to take
uh dvds or or textbooks you get to take
your code book
so what we want to do is test your
competency not only on the material you
just read
but we're also testing your ability to
find the answers and they're going to be
within the
the actual genre of what the unit's
about for example
cables so it's going to be in chapter 3
but what we're doing is testing your
ability to
take what you read and retain it but
then are you able to
navigate in and be able to find the
because we've given you the tools to do
that during that unit so
very unique they've been the questions
have been selected
very specifically in order to test your
and that's what a competency test is
supposed to do
also at any given time you can always go
over here and click the book
it's available even during these exams
or these tests if you will
for i'm in unit four you could go to
table of contents you go down to unit
and everything is in here okay to be
able to understand
what you're dealing with and how you
work it out they're all right here
so you can just go through and pull up
anything here
and you can help answer your questions
here but all the material might not be
specifically in the reading material so
you need to remember that right
there was our set hole setbacks uh and
all those types so everything is here
you can print any of these pages as well
so it's all available at your fingertips
right there okay so anyway this is when
you're done with this
you fill it all out and you just click
submit and i
grade these personally every single one
of these
gets graded by me personally and i give
on every question that you get wrong
provided you get at least a 60 you get
less than 60 then you didn't comprehend
the unit very well
i want you to redo the unit remember
this is not a sprint
this is a marathon okay take your time
be very patient
you will learn the nec there's no doubt
about it if you follow this program
also you'll notice right there that
little green circle
when i do a grade a review that's where
you go to see
my comments on your review and to get
your scores and things like that
okay so a lot of information in here
you simply go through the unit do the
reading material go through
every folder and then do what's called a
unit for assessment that's your ending
assessment before you go on to the next
unit you'll also notice that we put
videos in here
as well that correspond with the topic
of that unit
and go through it then before you go to
the next unit
we'll grade it and we'll give you your
feedback you need to review the things
that you got
wrong and then once it's done you can go
on to the next unit
okay so as you can see there's tons of
units in here tons of activities
here you see it's broken into the
general provisions specific provisions
load calculations and in services and
electrical equipment
broken down in every unit there's a
review there's an assessment
here you see we put some videos in there
there's just some simulations in there
if you want to play with them it's up to
and then you've got some drill work in
this unit that you got to work on
right we put them all in there to test
your knowledge
okay but remember you want to go into a
finish that unit before you leave that
because there's so much packed into each
next you get all the way through each
one of these and again we put all the
videos here
together so you can kind of jump to any
video you wanted as well
but we also get you some of these now
here's the video that i do that explains
how to dissect
the root of a question that's an
important video you can look at a
and dissect it so that when you're using
the index
or you're trying to get in the right
article or section
you have a better understanding of the
question and that's what that root
video does it really tries to break down
the fundamentals of identifying a
now here's the other thing that people
like people are paying
a lot of money for question databases
quizzes now there's some free ones
but they're not updated so in here
there's some
great questions they're full database
they give you the answer when you get it
wrong and it actually gives you the
answer even when you get it right so
that you can see where it is in the code
book to make sure that you're on track
and so in here you've got 20 of these
with 25 questions do the math they're
all in here
and then you've got some final exams and
these have a hundred questions each
so there's a lot of questions for you to
work it and i encourage you to work
through these questions until you start
getting scores
that are above 85 percent so if i don't
get a score that's 82 percent
do that one again do that entire quiz
again and it'll scramble the questions
why is this important because we're
getting you in and out of the code book
look you cannot be successful without a
you might stumble and maybe pass the
exam maybe
the problem is once you get in the field
and i have people that call me on a
daily basis
that they got their license but they're
still struggling
how to use this book the goal of my
is that you don't struggle you can find
the answers you don't need to call
somebody like me to help you in the
because you know how to navigate this
this is why we created the fast tracks
program it's designed
to help you learn navigate and become
very proficient
with the national actual code no other
course does it
like we do it some of them just give you
some of them just give you code somebody
has an automated person talking to you
but they also don't do what they don't
repetition they don't require you to
read the material
they don't require you to do competency
reviews they don't have the ability to
come on wednesday nights
and actually ask me a question about
something that maybe you heard on the
job or
or maybe there's a calculation you're
not you're confused with or
or maybe you don't understand maybe the
securing and supporting requirements of
non-metallic sheath cable
like you really want to or maybe you
want to know more about mc cable
i'm a resource i want to be your
that's why people invest in this program
and if you go look at the price of our
tell you what go out there and price
question and answer programs
go question don't go price books and
then try to put all that together and
try to do the pricing on tutoring and
see what that cost you
you're getting tutoring with me every
week if you choose to attend
it's already in the course i'm invested
in your success
that's what our program is all about now
this video was not going to show you
every feature that's what it wasn't
designed to do
there's a ton of features in here we
have other videos for that i encourage
you to watch them
in fact if you go to our website
and you'll actually click on the exam
preparation course it'll say electrical
exam preparation click on it
and what you're going to see is a demo
video watch that video
because that video talks about all of
the features
just like what i talked about today but
even more in depth
and you're going to realize why this is
the best investment that you can make
for electrical exam preparation but look
i'll go even one step further
this is the best program you're ever
going to invest in to learn
the national electrical code it's not
about the book
it's not about the illustrations it's
not just about the
the uh the read me feature it's not just
about the competency reviews
it's about all of those things it's
about the wednesday night one-on-ones
that you have with me
it's about the ability for you to read
it and have a question that you can
reach me anytime
do that with other educators at least
ones that you google
and at my level see if they're reaching
out to you
do it that's why i'm here i have
dedicated my life to this
i have dedicated to teaching you i don't
know everything
but i know enough trust me to help you
be successful
hopefully you will invest in the fast
tracks program i look forward to seeing
you as a student if you have any
as always feel free to reach out to us
the email address is above
info master the nec.com until next time
folks stay safe
god bless


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